LOOP Barcelona 2022

Festivals Events
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A-Place: Audience engagement
Meeting between programmers and festival professionals in order to share experiences and challenges around audienc-es- engagement and development: how to increase audiences, strategies to foster loyal
Posted on 22/12/09

A-Place: What about production
What are the challenges of producing? what difficulties do we encounter? how can the artists' production process be improved beyond the material dimension? what other means are available to increa
Posted on 22/12/09
LOOP Barcelona 2022 8 - 20 Nov 2022
Since 2003, LOOP Barcelona has been an acclaimed platform for the dissemination, discussion and creation of audiovisual artworks. Under its three main formats, that of a festival, an art fair and a programme of knowledge exchange and debates, it is carrying out a continued exploration of the latest productions that emerge from the contemporary art practices related to video, film and the overarching concept of the moving image.
Most of the artistic productions that the festival supports are aimed at capturing the complex layers that animate the notion of public space and the various constructs that define people’s sense of belonging, as well as the intimate ways in which they relate to the world. In short, the intent of LOOP Barcelona is to help artists achieve those experiential aspects that are the hardest to be observed in material terms, all the underlying and forgotten aspects that are integral to the use, meaning and construction of place.
In its 2022 edition, LOOP Barcelona continued to include a section dedicated to the A-Place project, to explore, advance and establish creative placemaking practices, as well as to exchange knowledge on this topic. The programme of the A-Place section is designed along two mutually complementary basic lines of action: a production line and a debate line. 1. Production line, it includes the videos selected in an open call and commissioned to artists. Two videos have been produced: El lugar que habito [The Place I Inhabit]’ by Sindihogar/Sindillar, selected in the open call; and Walden 7 or Life In The Cities commissioned to Domènec 2. Debate line, through a series of non-public debates that allowed local and international professionals to exchange knowledge and discuss subjects about the creation of a sense of place and the role of artists and artistic media, in particular, video art. Two events will take place in November 2022.
• To increase exchanges among the European artistic community around the role of video art, festivals and artists in placemaking.
• To discuss the impact that art-based practices might have at the physical, cultural, historical or social level.
• To explore, advance and establish creative placemaking practices, as well as to the exchange of knowledge about this topic
• To offer artists the opportunity to reflect and enrol in practices that strengthen their social role.
• To help artists achieve those underlying and forgotten experiential aspects that form an integral part of the use, meaning and construction of place.
Media Productions (Photographs & Videos):
Walden 7 or Life In The Cities
By way of archival footage, recent material and interviews, the video proposal on Ricardo Bofill&rsq
Posted on November 18, 2022
The Place I Inhabit
The Place I Inhabit represents a visual essay that aims to explore the controversies experienced by
Posted on December 23, 2022
We Are Here
The video work by Camila Flores provides insight into the experience of immigrating through the
Posted on November 27, 2023
The Machine and the Flower
Whilst the machine grows and grabs all the headlines, the forest watches and heeds a silent warning.
Posted on November 27, 2023
Victoria Sacco (a-place@loop-barcelona.com)
Victoria Sacco